Cheryl Kollin

I joined Adat Shalom in 1994 after my first visit to see what a Reconstructionist service looked like. As a new face at services, members greeted me warmly and made sure that I was introduced around at the oneg. Since then, Adat Shalom has been my community and home throughout life’s changes. Rabbi Fred married me and my husband Bill Franz. I was a member of the first Yesodot Halimud class, which helped me better understand and appreciate our liturgy and Jewish history. I became closer to the congregation when I joined various committees and groups: Land and Building and Mishnah Garden, women’s group, and Cooking Chug. I particularly enjoy going to Friday night services which are beautifully musical. Bill and I went on two clergy led congregational trips to Israel and a Shabbat trip to Brooklyn. We’ve gone on many AS retreats enjoying davening and community a more relaxed setting. I’ve met many members through providing and partaking in auction experiences. The clergy and community have held me in love and support over the years during life changes including the deaths of both parents, my husband, and recent health challenges. After 25 years, Adat Shalom is not only my spiritual and social community, for me it is my home, my family.